Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hiram Elementary Remembers Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hiram Elementary School celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day with an assembly to honor him.  The students and staff all gathered together in remembrance of Dr. King.  Mr. Wilder, principal, began the assembly with examples of the teachings of Dr. King and how we all can use these in our lives.  Miss Grubbe, Hiram's music teacher, led the school's Honors Chorus as they sang “Sing to Martin Luther King”. 

The school also held an MLK essay contest. Miss Ford, one of the school's counselors, chose the winners.

Each grade had a different essay prompt:
K-1st: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted everyone to be treated fairly. Draw a picture of yourself and Dr. King, and write a paragraph stating what you would say to him about why it is important to treat others fairly.
2nd-3rd: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was a person who inspired others to be better people and to help make the world a better place. Give examples of two great things that Dr. King accomplished and explain why those examples were great. 
4th-5th: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was someone whose words inspired others and made a lasting impact on our country.  Choose one quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  and explain why that quote is important to you and how it could make a positive difference in your life today. 

The winning students (pictured below) read their essays at the assembly.

Miss Tanga Ford, school counselor, with Jahnelle Bryant, Elizabeth Garcia, Akiley Love, and Kristen Robinson

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