"Retirement is the beginning of life — not the end."
- from How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free
For 63 educators and employees in Paulding County, their new lives begin on Friday. They will enter the world of retirement.
Earlier this month, the District honored each of these retirees at a luncheon.
We want to thank each of these educators and employees for their years of service to the children of Paulding County. Your loyalty, dedication and tireless commitment will be remembered always.
From the Paulding Neighbor:
Deborah Allen, East Paulding High School |
Anita Bailey, Russom Elementary School |
Ann Barber, Roberts Elementary School |
Laurie Bartron, McGarity Elementary School |
Ernest Baulding, McGarity Elementary School |
Janet Behrens, Roberts Elementary School |
Rhonda Brown, Hutchens Elementary School |
Frances Cohen, East Paulding Middle School |
Rachel Deal, McClure Middle School |
Pamela Durham, Austin Middle School |
Kay Eargle, Allgood Elementary School |
Mittie Everett, Dugan Elementary School |
Betty Folds, East Paulding High School |
Billy Freeman, Maintenance |
Carl Gamel, Transportation |
Leslie Gillis, Hiram High School |
Pamela Googe, Roberts Elementary School |
Gail Graham, Poole Elementary School |
Rita Henderson, McGarity Elementary School |
Jerry Hightower, South Paulding High School |
Yvette Hill, Central Office |
Michael Jackson, Dobbins Middle School |
Paula Jackson, Hiram Elementary School |
Mary "Denise" Jennings, Northside Elementary School |
Margaret King, Panter Elementary School |
Mary Martin, Hiram High School |
Pamela Moore, Roberts Elementary School |
Doris Morris, Abney Elementary School |
Patricia Moss, McGarity Elementary School |
Jim Neal, Hiram High School |
Cindy Nettke, New Georgia Elementary School |
Elizabeth O'Connor, Abney Elementary School |
Patricia Pace, Paulding County High School |
Michael Perry, East Paulding High School |
Myra "Anne" Perry, East Paulding High School |
Donnie Priest, P.B. Ritch Middle School |
Linda Reque, Burnt Hickory Elementary School |
Pamela Seed, Baggett Elementary School |
Sharon Tinnan, Herschel Jones Middle School |
Gail Watts, South Paulding High School |
Marilyn Willcox, Herschel Jones Middle School |
Patricia Wills, McClure Middle School |
Not pictured:
Tari Allendorf, Panter Elementary
Barbara Aubrey, Transportation
James Bearden, East Paulding High School
Dolly Bentley, Transportation
Wylene Cason, Hiram High School
Nancy Conway, East Paulding Middle School
Arlene Day, East Paulding High School
Sue Ann Eady, Union Elementary School
Mina Epps, South Paulding High School
Ellen Flemister, Abney Elementary School
Cindy Gardner, Russom Elementary School
Dale Hurley, Abney Elementary School
Elizabeth King, South Paulding High School
Lauranne Levy, Dallas Elementary School
Debra Lewis, Dallas Elementary School
Brenda "BJ" McKinley, Dugan Elementary School
George Powell, South Paulding Middle School
David Seanor, Moses Middle School
Kenneth Tyner, Transportation
Linda Tyrrell, Allgood Elementary School
Jerry Wood, Hutchens Elementary School
Congratulations to all of our retirees!!